The Original Rite of the Passover
in the Light of the Literary Scheme
of the Book of Exodus 1–18

The Internet presentation of the main questions
dr Wojciech Kosek

This study in Polish was published here
in The Day of the Lord’s Passover,
Good Friday, 10 April 2009.
The translation to English was made by the author
and was published here in
the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
8. December 2010.

to familiarize yourself with this online presentation of the basic questions leading to understand both the contemporary biblical exegesis (the scientific explanation of the Holy Bible) as well as the basic scheme on which the rite of the Jewish Passover was built.

Passing to each elaboration constituting this presentation can be made by you in one of two ways – I leave the choice to you:

Please take into account this significant information: in the presentation in several important places there are shown explanations of Hebrew words, written in a special font which must be installed by you on your computer. For more information about this topic – click: The installation of the Hebrew and Greek fonts.

I also invite You to read:



  1. The introduction:
  2. Rules of reading and scientific deepening of the Bible:
  3. Rules of Hebrew rhetoric (the composition of the texts) and Formgeschichte:
  4. The Hebrew Bible:
  5. Difficulties in interpreting the Book of Exodus:
  6. How read the Bible to read out the content written by the Author?
  7. The theocentric analysis of Exodus according to the rules of the Hebrew Rhetoric:
  8. The literary structure of the whole Exo 1–18:
  9. Exo 1–18 and covenant treaties of peoples of the ancient East
  10. The Jewish Passover and the structure of its rite
  11. The Passover ritual and the God’s covenant with Israel