Is it necessary today to read a Hebrew text since we have good, widely accepted translations of the Bible in the native languages? The answer is given by the Pope Pius XII in the Encyclical Divino afflante Spiritu [1]:
“15. (…) For it is the duty of the exegete to lay hold, so to speak, with the greatest care and reverence of the very least expressions which, under the inspiration of the Divine Spirit, have flowed from the pen of the sacred writer, so as to arrive at a deeper and fuller knowledge of his meaning. 16. Wherefore let him diligently apply himself so as to acquire daily a greater facility in biblical as well as in other oriental languages and to support his interpretation by the aids which all branches of philology supply.”.
And next about the Bible texts:
“the original text (…) having been written by the inspired author himself, has more authority and greater weight than any even the very best translation, whether ancient or modern”.
Dear Reader!
With the awareness of the importance of the task of the proper, accurate reading of the Holy Scripture as Divine Revelation, the task being still actual, let us support contemporary Biblicists by our prayers, so that they will be able to faithfully perform the duty incumbent on them.