With Immaculate Mary,
we humbly make reparation to the Lord Jesus,
coming in the miracle of the Holy Communion.
Prayer of the parish community on the first Saturday,
6 April 2013.

Dr. Wojciech Kosek

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Meditations led by six people:

B, D – women; L, P, W, Z – men.

This translation was published here on 15 Dec 2023.

To see the original Polish text ← click, please!

(Duration of meditations and songs: about 20 min.)

Worship of the Lord Jesus at the beginning of adoration after the Holy Mass

(this worship is followed by the Holy Rosary ← click, please!
and a fifteen-minute meditation)

P      O Lord Jesus! Because of Your infinite goodness, we have received the grace to adore You in the community of faith… in the community of people in love with you… We gratefully accept this gift in the Year of Faith when, thanks to your inspiration, the Holy Father Benedict XVI opened the invisible door that leads the entire Church to new spaces of spirit, to some new and renewed life of faith. We want to be people of mature faith, so today, during this adoration, we open our hearts with faith to Your sacramental presence among us. (0:59)

P      Song: The Hidden Jesus – 1st stanza (0:52)

D      O Lord Jesus! With faith, we thank You for the heroic decision of Pope Benedict, such an admirable act of imitating You in offering yourself! With faith, we are also thankful for the gift of the new Pope Francis. Today is the first Saturday of the month. We have come to You as a community of the Parish of Divine Providence together with Immaculate Mary, Your and our most precious Mother. We have come to unite ourselves with You, with Your Paschal Sacrifice, in the spirit of reparation for the sins with which God in the Holy Trinity is offended. (0:57)

W      O Lord Jesus! Obedient to the Church’s teaching about the purpose of receiving Holy Communion in reparation on First Saturdays, we know that during today’s adoration, we are to attempt once again to imitate Mary in uniting ourselves with You in the mystery of Your Paschal Sacrifice. We believe You want to grant each of us today the grace to understand and love more deeply You, who are delivering Yourself in a saving Sacrifice of love for our salvation. (0:49)

W      Song: The Hidden Jesus – 2nd stanza (0:46)

B      Dear Lord Jesus! A moment ago, we participated in the Holy Mass; a moment ago, You Yourself spoke to us through the words of Scripture and the words of the celebrant. How touching is Your, O Lord Jesus, closeness to each of us! Here You, an Unfathomable God, address the words to us, and You know that You do not do it in vain. (0:35)

Z      Beloved Jesus, Almighty God! Why do You come under such ordinary, inconspicuous-looking species of consecrated Bread and Wine? Why do You come in such a way that many do not even notice Who is hidden under the species of ordinary unleavened Communion Bread? Why do You come in such a way that many of us, even having You received in Holy Communion, do not feel like staying after the Holy Feast is over but run to other persons and things, giving You no respite and love in their hearts? (0:53)

Z      Song: The Hidden Jesus – 3rd stanza (0:46)

P      Beloved Jesus! With Immaculate Mary, I wish to devote all my energies to proclaiming this astonishing truth that You truly are in Holy Communion – You are like every human being. You are, and You love. You are because You love… You are, and You wait longingly for my love. You are, and You grant graces so that I may genuinely reach the state of loving You, passing the way amid the various temptations that dissuade me from loving You, still, alas, dissuade me…. (0:49)

D      Beloved Jesus! Since my heart is still unable to love You as it should, I beg You to accept my contrition, tears of repentance, and resolution to improve. With the Angel of Peace, who appeared to the three Fatima shepherds in 1916, I wish to recite this prayer of propitation, which he then taught the children. (0:34)

L      “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly, and I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He Himself is offended. And, through the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of You the conversion of poor sinners.” (0:37)

L      Song: Jesus, Veiled in the Sacred Host – 1st stanza (0:30)

W      Dearest Jesus, hidden under the whiteness of the Most Holy Host! It is a marvelous gift that on the first Saturday of the New Year, in the community of faith with Mary Immaculate and community with all the saints, we can abide in love before Your Divine Majesty! Though our eyes do not see Your loving eyes, though the word spoken by Your mouth does not reach our ears, though we do not smell the fragrance of Your garments which Your Immaculate Mother wove for You… (0:50)

Z      Though we cannot feel the beating of Your loving Heart, as it was able to Apostle John at the Last Supper (cf. Jn 13:24), nor experience the warmth of the touch of Your hands with which You so generously blessed Your sisters and brothers… Though You do not make Your presence known in any way… however, thanks to Your grace, we accept with profound reverence from the Church the astonishing teaching of Your real bodily presence under the robe of the Most Holy Host. We know that You are here…we know that You are here as any human being… You are and love with Your human Heart by the power of God… (1:06)

Z      Song: Jesus, Veiled in the Sacred Host – 2nd stanza (0:27)

B      St. Sister Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament recorded in her Diary, “1419 Today there was nocturnal adoration. I could not take part in it because of my poor health, but before I fell asleep I united myself with the sisters who were at adoration. … 1420 When I steeped myself in prayer, I was transported in spirit to the chapel, where I saw the Lord Jesus, exposed in the monstrance. In place of the monstrance, I saw the glorious face of the Lord, and He said to me, (0:44)

P      What you see in reality, these souls see through faith. Oh, how pleasing to Me is their great faith! You see, although there appears to be no trace of life in Me, in reality it is present in its fullness in each and every Host. But for Me to be able to act upon a soul, the soul must have faith. O how pleasing to Me is living faith!” (0:36)

P      Song: Adoro Te Devote – 1st stanza (0:37)

D      I believe, O Jesus, hidden under the covering of the Most Holy Host… I deeply believe that You are here with me. I believe that You are not only spiritually but also in the flesh, that is, in the same physical, corporeal, human way as You were in the Promised Land two thousand years ago when You were conceived of the Holy Spirit in the Immaculate Womb of the Virgin Mary, so that as a man, as one of us, You might live for the glory of the Father and as a man, as one of us, You might die out of love for Him and for us and after three days rise again… You are here as we are here: not only spiritually, but also physically, bodily, gathered in the same Cenacle with Immaculate Mary… You are here as God who is man… (1:12)

W      You are here… you desire my love… Do I love You as You desire? Is the response to Your presence for me, Your loving presence, my love for You…? As I look now at the white Host in the monstrance, do I know that hidden in the whiteness of the Host is Someone who has a name… who has the name Jesus that is dearest to me… that means “God is Salvation,” who has the name Emmanuel… that means “With us is God”?… (0:46)

W      Song: Adoro Te Devote – 2nd stanza (0:34)

B      I believe that just as You, o Jesus, are hidden under the veil of the Most Holy Host which I see on the altar in a golden monstrance, so You are also hidden in this Host which I can no longer see because since Holy Communion it has been hidden under my heart…Under my heart, You are hidden who love… You love me…You love us… I know You desire to love me… and You desire my loving… (0:43)

Z      Jesus, Almighty God, do You really care about my love? I know that You care about it and that the immensity of Your love consists in it that You want me to be able to love You with the same love! O God, You really want me to be like You in love! And I know that You do not require of me any extraordinary effort, an effort beyond my human capabilities… (0:41)

Z      Song: Fall to Your Knees – 1st stanza (0:26)

P      I believe, Jesus, that your presence under the covering of the Most Holy Host, Your sacramental presence, is unique. What does “unique presence” mean to me? I believe that although You give Your graces to me constantly and especially during every prayer, nevertheless, You give them exceedingly abundantly through the sacraments and primarily through the Blessed Sacrament. I believe that during the Holy Mass, You give graces most abundantly – You give here the greatest graces. (0:47)

D      Moreover: I believe that the union of love that I receive in Holy Communion is Your greatest gift… I believe, and I thank You with emotion for this greatest gift – union in Holy Communion.

W      O Jesus! Coming to me in Holy Communion, You – God and Man in one Person – ask me with love thirsting for reciprocity: do you recognize the particular significance of the minutes that flow from the moment when you received Me under the species of the Sacred Host? That is: do you see your Lord and Spouse under the whiteness of the Host, its shape, its fragrance, its taste…? (0:38)

W      Song: Fall to Your Knees – 2nd stanza (0:23)

Z      You ask me, Jesus: Do you see Me, your Jesus? Are you gifted with the spiritual seeing of the Invisible God who for you became the suffering Servant of Yahweh, the Man rejected by His own? Do you know that I am really here in My wounded body… that I am here bodily, bodily just like you… that I am right beside you, very close to you… that I am for you… with love for you? (0:44)

B      You ask me, Jesus, whether in Holy Communion I perceive an extraordinary time, a time burning with the immensity of Your love… do I appreciate this extraordinary time, hidden under the flowing seconds of time measured by the ordinary clock… do I perceive that the time of Holy Communion is the time of our love…

P      You ask me, o Jesus: Do you have good eyesight, and does your heart have the gift of kindness for Me – that gift for which My Heart thirsts? Do you have time for Me after the Holy Mass… time for us to meet in sacramental union… one-on-one… time for spousal love… do you have time-love for Me for which I am thirsting…